Accounts & Access

Authentication and access to academic and administrative systems.

Services (12)

Affiliate ID

This ID is for visiting Post-Doc, Researchers, Contractors etc...

Banner Access

Requesting access to Banner.

Computer Accounts

Computer accounts are only available for UNBC Staff, Faculty and Students.

CRM Access

Request access to the CRM, or to report issues with CRM access (aka TargetX on the Salesforce platform).

FAST Login issues

Requesting access to Fast Portal and WebReq.

Guest WIFI Accounts

Requesting short term access to UNBC wifi for visitors.

MFA Hardware Tokens - Activate Token

Use this to submit your request to have your Multi Factor Authentication Hardware Token activated and associated with your UNBC account.

MFA Hardware Tokens - Request Token

Use this to submit your request for a Multi Factor Authentication Hardware Token.

MFA Registration Devices

Use this to manage MFA devices on your account, such as using a new phone to register MFA.

Moodle Access

Requesting access to LEARN/ Blackboard.

Single Sign On (SSO)

Report issues with Single Sign On (SSO)

Accounts & Access - General

Account & Access requests for systems not listed on this page.