Reviewed Software- Conditions Apply


Software that has been reviewed by our software team and may be approved for installation on UNBC computers pending the software use meets the conditions under IT Security, Privacy and Terms and Conditions. 

If you are inquiring about downloading software that is on this or the approved software list please follow the instructions below. If the condition is 'PIA Determination Required' please attach the completed form PIADsoft form to the service ticket. (see attachment)

For all software installation requests, please submit a ticket from our support portal. By using the support portal, the tickets will be allocated to the appropriate area.

  1.  Go to the Services tab.

Important Note: Any software that has a cost must be procured through the regular Contracts and Supply Chain Management purchasing process. Please read the Terms and Conditions of the software to ensure you are purchasing the correct license. For more information please see: Software Procurement and Use Standard

AashtoWare Pavement Engineering Software- Local install for Education only
Adobe Air Use case verification required 
Adobe Creative Cloud PIA determination required- cost covered by the requesting dept
Affininty Software Designer, Publisher and Photo- 30 Licenses of each
Allway Sync PIA determination required


Use case verification required

Arduino Use case verification required
AutoDesk Products Free Education licenses available. Commercial use must have a paid license.
Brave web browser Use case verification required. Research only.
Cadwork Engineering software
CanvaPro  PIA determination required
CapCut PIA determination required
ChemDraw Managed by Chemistry Senior Lab Instructor
Clion Ubuntu Lab CPSC software. Teaching only
CPet-IT Engineering software- 10 licenses
CSIBridge Engineering software- 10 licenses
Digby Only for Library Staff
DeepL Use case verification required
Dropbox PIA determination required
Eclipse_cpp Ubuntu Lab CPSC software. Teaching only
Ecoinvent Engineering software- limited licenses Use case verification required. Research only.
Flutter Ubuntu Lab CPSC software. Teaching only
Foxit Editor Used for extensive work with PDF files. Foxit Reader is provided in the image
Genopro PIA determination required Use case verification required. Research only.
Guardian Browser Use case verification required
Gurobi CPSC software. Licensed for teaching only. (not research)
Homebrew Use case verification required. Research only.
IHA Software Regular updates are required
intellij Ubuntu Lab CPSC software. Teaching only Use case verification required. Research only.
Jupyter Ubuntu Lab CPSC software. Teaching only
Logism Ubuntu Lab CPSC software. Teaching only
MathCAD Engineering software- 50 licenses
MobaXterm Use case verification required
Mplabx Ubuntu Lab CPSC software. Teaching only
MS Access Use case verification required
Ninja Ubuntu Lab CPSC software. Teaching only
Otter ai Research Only
Open3d Ubuntu Lab CPSC software. Teaching only
OpenJDK Regular updates are required
Padlet Use case verification required
PWSafe Use case verification required
qBase As long as human data is not used it doesn't require a PIA
R and all R packages Teaching and Research only. Admin use requires a business case
RClone Use case verification required
Revit Engineering software
RFEM Engineering software- 20 licenses
Rhino Engineering software
RSECTION Engineering software- 20 licenses
RSTAB Engineering software- 20 licenses
SAGE Accounting CPSC software
SAP2000 Engineering software- 30 licenses
SketchUP Lab 8-365 for ENPL
SQL Server Management Used for connecting to UNBC SQL Server for database Teaching
Slack Used for external communication only 
Slicer Ubuntu Lab CPSC software. Teaching only
SnagIt Use case verification required- department purchase
Stella Pro Engineering software- 30 licenses
Survey Monkey Research only. PIA determination form required
Sync Use case verification required
Syncro 12 Engineering software- limited licensing
V Use case verification required. Research only.
Weslea for Windows Engineering software- teaching only
Whatsapp Use case verification required
Wincupl Ubuntu Lab CPSC software. Teaching only
Wine Ubuntu Lab CPSC software. Teaching only
Wireshark Use case verification required