EIQ Guest Manager role - setup and use

ExtremeCloud IQ (EIQ) is Extreme Networks web portal which UNBC uses to manage all aspects of our wireless service across all of our sites. Guest Managers are able to log into this web portal in order to search for, create, and in some cases delete PPSKs (passwords).

Setting up Access

If your supervisor has determined that you should be a Guest Manager please send a ticket to ITS to request this access. It is important that your supervisors authorization be apparent in the ticket in some fashion.

We recommend creating a ticket at https://support.unbc.ca then send the ticket number to your supervisor so they can update it with their authorization.

Once authorization is confirmed we need to follow some steps to finish setting up your access.

1. ITS will add a permission to you UNBC account
2. You need to then log into the EIQ site with your UNBC account; an EIQ account will then automatically be created
3. ITS needs to assign your EIQ account the appropriate permissions for your team in EIQ.

Logging in

After your Guest Manager account has been setup please follow this link to log into the service.


You should see the following login page.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Enter your UNBC email into the email field and click on "Continue". You should then see the usual log in challenge that you see for other UNBC systems which employ SSO.

If you do not see the above login screen click on the SSO login icon which should take you there.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Guest Manager Actions

Generally there are three actions a Guest Manager can take when logged into the EIQ. You can look up PPSKs that you have created, create new PPSKs for the areas you are responsible for, and delete PPSKs you created.

Upon logging in you should land on the "Users" page like this. For the purposes of demonstration a sample Guest Manager account has been made.

Create a new User

The Sample Guest Manager has not made any PPSKs as yet so the user list is empty. Click the plus icon to create a new user.

Below is an empty new user form; each field has been marked with a number for the sake of clarity.

  1. As a Guest Manager you will be assigned to certain areas around UNBC which will determine what options are available in this drop down field. Click on the drop down arrow and select the appropriate option for the new user being made. Generally speaking the PPSKs are all prefixed with "PPSK" followed by the area the PPSK is designed for and finally terminated with the duration the PPSK will last; all PPSKs expire by design.
  2. Name of the user to which the PPSK is being assigned. One PPSK per person.
  3. If appropriate the users organization may be entered here. This is a largely optional field
  4. The Purpose of Visit is another optional field; fill it if appropriate
  5. Email Address is a mandatory field; a UNBC email must be used if one exists.
  6. Phone number is an optional field
  7. EIQ can use multiple options as a username; that said set this to "Email"
  8. Click the Generate button to create a randomized password. As a rule we do not look at the passwords nor do we hand it out to the user from this screen; it will be emailed to the user, this is an important step.
  9. The description field can be used to make any notes that might be helpful should we need to inspect the users PPSK later.
  10. Make sure to check the Email Address box, this is a mandatory step.
  11. The email should automatically be filled in.
  12. Click save to create the account.

Once the account has been created EIQ will send the password to the users email address. Once the user opens their email they will be greeted with a link to our Acceptable Use Policy (they must get this) as well as their new PPSK/password which they can use to access UNBC's Guest network.

Below is an example of how a sample form might be filled out just before click save. In this case a PPSK for a person named "Sample" will be made. It's being created for someone in Continuing Studies and the PPSK will last for 14 days.

After you click save you should be returned to the Users page and see a green bar appear across the top confirming the creation of the user.

Edit or Delete a current User

If you need to look at a current users details simple check their record in the user list then select the edit icon (pencil icon). You will be taken to the page where you first created the user.

If you ever need to delete a user's account go to the users page, check the users account then click the delete icon (trash bin icon). You will be asked to confirm the delete click on yes and the user account will be deleted.