Manually Updating the GlobalProtect VPN Agent

The GlobalProtect VPN Agent used to connect to UNBC's GlobalProtect VPN service is designed to update on it's own when a new version is released; occasionally this automated process fails. Below are steps that can be recreated in order to upgrade to the current VPN version.

** Please note if you do not have administrative access to your computer you may have to contact the service desk to finish this process.

*** For your reference the current GlobalProtect version used at UNBC is 6.1.4

To check your current VPN version (do this before upgrading just in case you are already up to date)

  1. Right click on the GP icon in your system tray then click on the menu button, then settings.

  2. Navigate to the About tab to inspect your current version.


To update or install the VPN please use the following process.

  1. Open your browser and navigate to

  2. Log in with your UNBC Credentials to see a list of links

  3. Click on the link that applies to your system and download the file.
    • Note: UNBC almost exclusively uses the "Windows 64 bit GlobalProtect Agent"
    • If you get a window asking you to repair or remove GlobalProtect it's possible you've already upgraded.
      • It is safe to select the repair option
      • Please double check your version number as described in step 7
  4. Navigate to the location on your computer where you downloaded the file and run it.

  5. Click Next to setup the installer


  6. If you see the follow screen you will likely need to reboot your computer after the installation. Click Continue to proceed.
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Article ID: 4136
Tue 7/19/22 12:09 PM
Wed 6/12/24 11:41 AM