Mapping or Adding a Printer- Windows

Mapping or Adding a Printer in the PRINTER Employee Desktop


  1. Go to your PRINTER Employee virtual desktop search bar
  2. Type in "Printers & Scanners" 
  3. Under "Printers & Scanners" you should see two printer queues listed below
    • BWPrinting on
    • ColourPrinting on
  4. If you do not see the above queues please add/map a printer using the following steps:
    1. Click on Add a Printer
    2. Click on "The printer that I want isn't listed"
    3. Choose Find a printer in the directory, based on location or feature
    4. Click Next
    5. In the Name field type BW or Colour and click Find Now
    6. This search will bring up the printer you want to add, such as BWPrinting
    7. Double click on the search result BWPrinting (example only)
    8. This action will add the BWPrinting on queue.
    9. Click Next
    10. Click Finish
  5. You now have added a printer until you log out of your session.

*Please note this default printer will only remain in place until log out. Default printer needs to be set each time you log in.*

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