The instructions below are for sharing files out to other people (internal or external to UNBC). To have people send files to you, please see the Request File KB article.
To share with selected people:
1) Select the files or folders you want to share.

2) Select share from the menu.

3) Enter the email address for the person you want to share the file with and set the permissions.

4) You will receive a notification in OneDrive that your file was sent.

5) You will also receive a notification when your file has been accessed.

To share with anyone (anonymous access):
1) Select the files you want to share. On top of the screen select share.

2) Select copy.

3) Set permissions. Tip: You probably don't want to 'Allow editing'. This would allow anyone with the sharing link to modify or delete the file(s) you are sharing.

4) Then click copy and send the link.